A trending section lets you easily find trending pictures there's also a visual search tool (reverse photo search) and a general image lookup where you enter text to find photos, plus advanced filtering options (specific resolution, head and shoulders, transparent, color, etc). Bing Images: Another way to search images is with Microsoft's Bing.This one is ideal if you're looking specifically for GIFs or portraits. Yahoo Image Search: The image search on Yahoo is similar to these other picture search engine sites: there are advanced search options to filter the results by license, size, color, and more.An advanced image search on Google lets you narrow your search by size, color, time, and more. You can also use Google to search for an image using another image as your search query instead of text (i.e., reverse image search). Google Images: Google's massive image database will help you find pretty much any picture on any topic that you can think of, plus it's easy to use.